Hey all,
Hope this update finds you off and running into your new year. Seems like this winter just flew by, but I have been busy with lots of music and we know what they say about time flying… So anyway, here’s what’s up:
New Album
This January I released a brand new album, recorded last year with good friend and usual suspect Bobby “Boom-Chuck-Norris” Winstead. It features seventeen old-timey duets and is called To The West. It’s currently available exclusively on Bandcamp, check it out:
YouTube Channel
In the last few months I’ve uploaded a bunch of new videos to my YouTube Channel, including original songs, performance demos, practice sessions and more. Check it out, and if you like what you see, please consider subscribing to my channel over at:
Now, I wouldn’t trade the life of a performing musician for anything, but once a YouTube channel reaches 1,000 subscribers it is eligible to monetize its videos and earn money when people watch. Not that I’m exactly aiming for YouTube stardom, but as they say, “every penny counts!”
New Videos
Here’s one I uploaded today… I wrote this song years ago and everyone always asks me which CD it’s on, and I always have to try and explain why I haven’t recorded it yet, so I’m very proud to present to you the first ever (and by no means last) recorded release of “The Devil’s Lullaby” and “The Dance of the Dream Eaters:”
Also worth checking out, new Jack Dwyer Trio videos:
And my new bluegrass project:
Spring Shows
Visit my schedule page for all show listings, but here are some highlights:
I’ll be performing at the Juan de Fuca Festival this Memorial Day Weekend.
I’ll be performing in a production of Always Patsy Cline at the Key City Public Theater in Port Townsend. The show runs every Thursday through Sunday, all April and through the first weekend in May. Get your tickets here: https://keycitypublictheatre.org/
I’ll also be down in Salt Lake City for a week in May, so keep an eye out for a possible show or two there.
And of course, Mondays at the Keg and I are still going strong:
Mailing List
If you would like to receive this post directly to your inbox, you can sign up for my mailing list. I send out four emails a year (once a season) with updates on all my recording and performing projects. Write to jackdwyerlist@gmail.com and let me know if you’d like to join.
That’s all for now… hope to see you soon.